Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: With the upcoming astrological Buck Moon in your sign, your relationships are taking centre stage. You've got some good people in your world. And an important connection is evolving. You're discovering how much you've got in common with a particular person, and how closely you can work together. Even if this isn't a romantic relationship, it's making you feel more well-disposed towards your fellow humans. Which means it's opening your heart. This is excellent news. Because soon, your heart will have reasons to open even more.
Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.
July 13, 2024
Your Weekly Horoscope: There's no doubt you've got leadership skills. But for some reason, you're holding back from taking charge of a situation. It's clear that the person who's supposed to be leading the way is out of their depth. It seems they're only just realising what they let themselves in for. But you're reticent about stepping in. Yet when something we care about is in jeopardy, don't we have to be prepared to launch ourselves into the fray? This week, the astrological Buck Moon in your sign gives you the power to make a real difference. Don't hold back.
July 12, 2024
Scientists haven't found a formula for love, but they've proved that when chemicals (such as dopamine) are released, we feel so euphoric that we lose our appetite and can't sleep - which is similar to when we meet someone special. You're under pressure to explain how you feel about something/someone. It's frustrating, because no matter what you say, you don't feel as if you're doing it/them justice. But it's an emotional issue. The fact you can't put it into words underlines its value. Let go of logic this weekend, and enjoy!
July 11, 2024
If you could have 'more' of something, what would it be? And why do you want it? I ask, because even if your response fits with the usual things people say (which tend to involve accumulating wealth and happiness), it's important to be clear about what you're hoping to manifest. And remember, there's such a thing as having 'too much of a good thing'. Only love has the capacity to enrich our lives without causing anyone any problems. So, wish for that today. Under these auspicious skies, wave your wand for the right thing.
July 10, 2024
There are good people in your world. Over time, you've created special connections with folk you can count on for friendship and support. You might not see some of them very often. You might have lost touch. Or just be in occasional contact. But you know who you can call on for certain kinds of assistance, and are pleased to offer support if they need help. As the Sun links to your ruler, your ability to respond to someone in need is highlighted. Don't worry if you're called to act 'out of character'. You're doing the right thing.
July 09, 2024
Most of us can look back with horror at fashion choices we made in our youth. And dance moves, which seemed cool at the time, now look ridiculously old-fashioned. Keeping in touch with current trends isn't easy. But more importantly, it's our ideas that need revisioning. Since you don't want to look like someone doing outdated moves on the dance floor, it's worth checking to ensure you're not looking at your situation from an old perspective. Today, if you update your facts, you'll be able to move onwards with style.
July 08, 2024
Throughout history, animals have been bred to serve human needs. Think of huge Shire horses used to help plough the fields. And camels, which traverse the desert carrying their own water supply. But we also adapt to the demands of the people around us and our workload. Your reputation as a problem-solver has led to you developing broad shoulders; you've got so used to carrying a lot you don't notice the toll it's taking. Today's opportunity has your name on it. You'll need to put something down to be able to seize it.
Daily Aries Horoscope
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