Gigi Hadid responds to accusations she's lost weight to fit in with her peers

Gigi Hadid has changed a lot during her four years in themodelling industry, but she insists it's not because she feels pressure to fitin with her peers. The 21-year-old responded to a comment on her Instagram feedearlier this week, admitting that while she has slimmed down since she startedher career, it is simply a result

    Gigi Hadid has changed a lot during her four years in themodelling industry, but she insists it's not because she feels pressure to fitin with her peers. The 21-year-old responded to a comment on her Instagram feedearlier this week, admitting that while she has slimmed down since she startedher career, it is simply a result of growing up and changing her exercise regime.

    "It's called growing up," Gigi wrote in responseto a commenter who accused her of losing weight to fit in. "Bodies changeas girls become women, just as my mom's body changed at the same age.

    Gigi Hadid said her changing figure is due to growing up and her boxing workouts

    "I loved my body as a 17-year-old athlete, and I lovemy body now."

    She continued: "Yes, I've lost some 'baby fat', butmuscle mass from my intensive volleyball training in high school has changedover the years into lean muscle from boxing and work stress can have itsaffect, naturally, but purposefully changing my body has never been mything."

    The model said she doesn't deprive herself of enjoying thefood she likes either.

    The 21-year-old responded to a comment on her Instagram account

    "I still eat what I want, I'm still strong, and I'mstill healthy. Your comments won't get me down."

    It is not the first time Gigi has hit back after receivingcriticism on her body. In September she admitted the "negativity" wasgetting to her a little, and explained that while she doesn't "have thesame body type as the other models", she loves the world of fashion and ismaking the most of the industry which is "ready for a change".

    Gigi works hard to maintain her slim and toned physique,with her trainer Rob Piela recently revealing that she exercises upwards offour times a week, following a mix of cardio and floor work to give a full bodyworkout.

